Monday, January 30, 2017

Hi Ho Hi Ho, It's Out To The Garage I Go

I'm taking this whole week off from work, I couldn't fucking stand it anymore.
I am not going anywhere or doing anything special, instead, I am going out in that disaster area of a garage and try to make it usable finally.
We have been in this place for almost a year now and I have made at least ten trips to the dump getting rid of shit.
There is more that needs to go.
Shit that I have been packing around for decades.
Some I will keep, some of it is going away.
I made another dump run Saturday and I swear to you, there was less room to walk around in after I got back than there was before I left.
I think I figured out how that works finally.

The Wifely Unit has a pretty good program going for herself I see.
Anything she wants to get rid of?
She opens the laundry room door and pitches it out in the fucking garage for me to deal with.

It got to the point that I couldn't hardly get in and out of that door, the shit was piled up over waist high in spots.
That's on top of all of my shit that is stacked up and laying around.
So basically, the load I took to the dump the other day was to get rid of all the shit she had tossed out there.
She had more waiting too. While I was at the dump she took advantage of my absence.

Nope, put that out to get hauled off. One run at a time.
Now it's time to get serious.
I need to change the oil in that fucking Sprite too, then clean out and wash that pig sty of an El Camino.

Some vacation right?

No rest for the wicked.

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