Friday, December 25, 2015

I Managed To Survive Another Christmas Season

Well, I survived another Christmas, yay.
I'm still sober too so there's that I guess.

It was a good Christmas this year, I had the good fortune of running into some unexpected money so as is my personality, I went a little overboard. The Wifely Unit was on my ass about it all morning.

I ain't sweating it, what's done is done and I'm glad I could make a few people a little bit happier, that's kinda the whole point of the exercise in my opinion.

As for myself, I did quite well actually.

Got a badly needed new LapTop and am currently configuring it.

I also scored in a big way from my Father in Law.
He is a retired Chief of Police from a small upper Mid West town from many years ago and quite the Second Amendment supporter.
He even put a message on the back of his pick up in stick on letters that says "Fear the government that fears your guns".

My kind of guy.

I did have to crack wise at one point and point out the irony of him being a Chief of Police at one time and me being the town drunk back in the day.
He is a heck of a nice guy and just laughed.

He used to do a whole bunch of reloading and just kind of tapered off and gave it up, he is in his seventies now.
He still had a bunch of the goodies stashed in his garage though and I did some wheeling and dealing along with some cash money and walked away with damn near all of it at a very reasonable price.

I don't have the slightest idea how any of this stuff works yet but the internet is my friend and it won't take too long before I get the hang of it.

One of the presses is for Shotgun shells only and the other is a very old Lymon Tru Line Jr.
(internet pic)

I say very old as I have already done some digging and it seems they updated the linkage on 'em sometime around 1958 or so and this one is from before that even.

He used the shit out of 'em both and my wife said she can remember him using the MEC 600 Jr Shotgun press when she was a little girl.
(internet pic)

I also got a vintage electric lead melting pot that's so freaking old that I can't even find it using Google search or Google images.
It has the name Potter cast into the base and is still in usable condition, complete with a half full bowl of lead in it.
It is similar to an old Lyman unit, just older, way older.
It still has the cloth covered power cord if that gives you any indication.

He also gave me a metric assload of ammunition!
A .50 Cal ammo box full of various caliber stuff he can't use plus another smaller can full and yet more in a bag.

Quite the haul out, I'd say it weighs about thirty five or forty pounds total.
It's all useable to me too.

I hope you all had a most excellent Holiday with friends and loved ones.

One never knows what the future has in store and this very well could be the last of the Golden Years.

All we can do is keep our eyes and ears open .

Things could well get "sporty" as they say here in the near future, the government is stepping up the pressure on our Freedoms almost on a daily schedule anymore, something is going to give somewhere.

It's a matter of time now.

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