Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Are All You Breathless Trump Fans Paying Attention Here?

Because what he is calling for here should scare the piss out of you.
I'm telling you once again, the man is a Dictator waiting to happen.
He obviously has no grasp of the seriousness of what he is asking here.
We have been here and done that and it permanently tarnished our reputation without doing a single thing to make anyone any safer.
As far as I'm concerned, he is condoning torture on behalf of the United States of America.

Trump urges waterboarding and more after Brussels attacks

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States should use waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques when questioning terror suspects, and renewed his call for tougher U.S. border security after the attacks in Brussels.

The billionaire businessman, in an interview on NBC's "Today" program, said authorities "should be able to do whatever they have to do" to gain information in an effort to thwart future attacks.

"Waterboarding would be fine. If they can expand the laws, I would do a lot more than waterboarding," Trump said, adding he believed torture could spark useful leads for officials. "You have to get the information from these people."

Waterboarding, the practice of pouring water over someone’s face to simulate drowning as an interrogation tactic, was banned by President Barack Obama days after he took office in 2009. Critics call it torture.

"I am in the camp where you have to get the information, and you have to get it rapidly," Trump said, adding "liberal" laws in Europe had made it hard to counter potential attacks.

Let that sink in for a minute.

You want to let this guy have control of the Levers of Power?

I mean Fuck Hillary, there is no choice there but Trump is proving to me to be exactly what I thought he would be.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.

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