Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Big Blow That Didn't Suck

Well that was a whole lot of Meh.

I went to the store earlier to get some chicken breasts to make soup with and the wind was swirling and the leaves were flying all over the place but it seems that was pretty much it.
My youngest daughter lost the electricity over in Portland about two in the afternoon, I saw an Email blast that about 2,000 folks lost theirs two counties up and that was about it from what I saw.
I just woke up from a nap that overtook me like a small child that runs around in circles screaming at full blast and then falls over dead asleep.
WTF, I was sitting here about twenty minutes after eating some of the soup and a grilled cheese and the next thing I know my chin is in my hand and the lights went out.
That must be some good shit Maynard.

I'll have to check the news but I'm sure the worst of that storm went by while I was n't paying any attention. I hope the majority of everyone else got by unscathed also.

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