They can be so entertaining!
The internet just wouldn't be the same without them.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
So Kathy Griffin Can Go Away Now?
The old attention whore got her wish when she produced a video showing her holding a bloody Trump mask like she was holding his severed head.

A lot of negative attention.
As far as I'm concerned, the ugly old cunt can just slither right back under the rock she came from and stay there.

A lot of negative attention.
As far as I'm concerned, the ugly old cunt can just slither right back under the rock she came from and stay there.
Fuckin' Cats
We have this cute little long haired black cat that looks a lot like this one I snagged off Google images because I'm too lazy to take it's picture and fuck around getting it on my laptop.
Anyways, this thing is cute as hell but a real pain in the ass because it constantly wants in and out all fucking night.
It scratches on the door and yowls until you relent and either let it in or out, depending on which side of the door she is trying to claw through.
It makes one wonder just what it is out there that is do damn fascinating.
I was just outside a minute ago to have a smoke and here is the little fucker just sitting in the driveway reconning our yard, the street and a few of the neighbors yards when it came to me.
The little shit is just waiting for some small furry critter to make the mistake of skittering into it's field of vision so it can go kill it.
Murderous little wench that she is, this happens more often than one would think.
A couple of times a week there will be a half gutted mouse laying tits up either on the sidewalk leading to the front door or on the concrete patio outside the sliding doors in the back.
I'm sure there are the remains of more scattered around that I haven't run into yet too.
If it moves, it must die.
Anyways, this thing is cute as hell but a real pain in the ass because it constantly wants in and out all fucking night.
It scratches on the door and yowls until you relent and either let it in or out, depending on which side of the door she is trying to claw through.
It makes one wonder just what it is out there that is do damn fascinating.
I was just outside a minute ago to have a smoke and here is the little fucker just sitting in the driveway reconning our yard, the street and a few of the neighbors yards when it came to me.
The little shit is just waiting for some small furry critter to make the mistake of skittering into it's field of vision so it can go kill it.
Murderous little wench that she is, this happens more often than one would think.
A couple of times a week there will be a half gutted mouse laying tits up either on the sidewalk leading to the front door or on the concrete patio outside the sliding doors in the back.
I'm sure there are the remains of more scattered around that I haven't run into yet too.
If it moves, it must die.
Some Enchanted Evening's Ass Kicking Jam
For those fortunate enough to have been around back in the day this may bring back some fond memories.
I have seen Blue Oyster Cult up close in concert a couple of times but this particular live album features the best of the best .
Some Enchanted Evening ranks right up there in my top 10 all time greatest albums and this right here is one very damn good reason why.
As usual, maximum volume is required.
I have seen Blue Oyster Cult up close in concert a couple of times but this particular live album features the best of the best .
Some Enchanted Evening ranks right up there in my top 10 all time greatest albums and this right here is one very damn good reason why.
As usual, maximum volume is required.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Portland Mayor Wants To Shut Down Alt Right Rallies, Is Apparently OK With Leftists Extortion Threats That Shut Down 100 Year Old Rose Parade
Fuck you Mr. Wheeler, you don't get it both ways. Portland is fast becoming a potential Ground Zero for some serious battles if they think that no one is going to sit up and take notice of the glaring hypocrisy here.
Portland mayor urges US officials to shut down 'alt-right' rallies
The mayor of Portland, Ore., urged federal officials and organizers to shut down "alt-right" Trump rallies planned for the upcoming weekend after two men were stabbed to death while coming to the aide of two women during an anti-Muslim tirade.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said Monday that the "alt-right demonstrations" would only fuel hatred and fear during a time of tragedy.
"There is never a place for bigotry or hatred in our community, and especially not now," Wheeler said in a three-part note posted on Twitter.
The mayor assured that the city did not issue permits for the "Trump Free Speech Rally" and other similar events scheduled for this Sunday and June 10. U.S. officials already issued a permit for the Sunday rally.
"Our city is in mourning, our community's anger is real, and the timing and subject of these events can only exacerbate an already difficult situation," Wheeler said, adding that the permits should be revoked.
The appeal, however, opened the debate about First Amendment rights in the U.S. Violent protests between far-right and far-left protesters have derailed appearances by contentious figures on college campuses and in liberal cities like Portland and Berkeley, California.
The Facebook page for Sunday's event stated there would be speakers and live music in "one of the most liberal areas on the West Coast," adding that it will be "an uplifting experience to bring back strength and courage to those who believe in freedom." The description also thanked President Donald Trump.
The Associated Press said one of the speakers attending will be Kyle Chapman, who describes himself as an American nationalist and ardent supporter of Trump.
Now let us jump in our trusty time machine and set the dials to a few weeks ago,
Portland rose parade canceled after ‘antifascists’ threaten GOP marchers
For 10 years, the 82nd Avenue of Roses Business Association has kicked off the city of Portland’s annual Rose Festival with a family-friendly parade meant to attract crowds to its diverse neighborhood.
Set to march in the parade’s 67th spot this year was the Multnomah County Republican Party, a fact that so outraged two self-described antifascist groups in the deep blue Oregon city that they pledged to protest and disrupt the April 29 event.
Then came an anonymous and ominous email, according to parade organizers, that instructed them to cancel the GOP group’s registration — or else.
“You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely,” the anonymous email said, referring to the violent riots that hit Portland after the 2016 presidential election, reported the Oregonian. “This is nonnegotiable.”
The email said that 200 people would “rush into the parade” and “drag and push” those marching with the Republican Party.
“We will not give one inch to groups who espouse hatred toward LGBT, immigrants, people of color or others,” it said.
On Tuesday, the business association buckled, announcing it would cancel the parade altogether.
“Following threats of violence during the Parade by multiple groups planning to disrupt the event, 82nd Avenue of Roses Business Association can no longer guarantee the safety of our community and have made the difficult decision to cancel the Parade,” the group said in a statement.
The “antifascist” groups Oregon Students Empowered and Direct Action Alliance were behind the organized protests scheduled for the parade Saturday but told the Oregonian they had nothing to do with the anonymous email.
A petition to bring back the parade garnered nearly 200 signatures online, but on Wednesday organizers stood firmly beside their decision.
“It’s all about safety for our fans, first and foremost. If we can’t provide safety for our fans, there’s no use in trying,” Rich Jarvis, spokesman for the Rose Festival Foundation, told the Oregonian. “Our official position is we’re extremely sad about this.”
Online, others were outraged, calling members of the antifascist groups who planned to protest “snowflakes,” “anti-American” and “a bunch of chickens and brats.”
“Shutting down free speech is the (epitome) of fascism,” one person wrote on Facebook. “This is America.”
You are correct anonymous citizen,
this is the New America.
How ya liking it?
Monday, May 29, 2017
CIA Spy/ Fall Guy Manny Noriega Tits Up At 83
Can't say I'm gonna miss the little Dick-Tater.
Manuel Noriega, ousted Panamanian military dictator, dies at 83
Manuel Noriega, ousted Panamanian military dictator, dies at 83
Manuel Noriega, the Panamanian military dictator who often played opposing sides of Cold War-era political battles, until he was ousted by his on-again, off-again sponsors and toppled in a U.S. invasion, has died. He was 83.
A source close to Noriega's family told the Associated Press that he died late Monday. There was no immediate information on the cause of death.
Noriega operated as a spy for the CIA, laundered money for Colombian drug traffickers, and worked in support of leftist movements in Latin America like Nicaragua’s Sandinistas — only to also help in U.S. efforts to fight them.
As head of the Panamanian armed forces, he also trampled on his nation’s attempts at a democratic process, positioning loyal candidates for the presidency and assuring their victories, regardless of the actual vote. And all the while, he amassed a fortune in mostly illicit funds.
Once overthrown by U.S. forces in 1989, Noriega spent an inordinate amount of time in jail, as dictators go. An American court in Miami convicted him on drug-running charges and put him in prison for nearly 20 years; then he was sent to trial in France and finally extradited home to Panama in December 2011 to face more jail time.
Noriega never had ideological compunctions and enjoyed goading the U.S., until his bravado led to his undoing. Ironically, he might have been relegated to history’s footnotes, as a minor Latin American caudillo, or strongman, had it not been for the U.S. invasion of Panama.
“Except for the fact that the U.S. invaded his country, put him on trial and put him in prison all those years, Noriega would not have been considered an important figure,” said John Dinges, a former journalist and author of “Our Man in Panama,” the 1990 account of Noriega, his misdeeds and U.S. ties.
“He was high on the corruption scale, mid-range on the human rights [abuse] scale, and on the left-right scale, in the middle,” Dinges, now a professor at Columbia University, said in a telephone interview. “That does not make him the worst in Latin America.”
Then-President George H.W. Bush was not quite a year into his administration when he grew weary of Noriega’s increasingly belligerent taunts, his failure to cooperate with former patrons like the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency, and mounting evidence of his ties to the notorious Medellin Cartel of Colombia.
As many observers of the era have since concluded, U.S. officials made the decision to get rid of Noriega, and then sought a cause. That came with a couple of isolated attacks on U.S. military personnel stationed in Panama, including the killing of one serviceman and the assault on a Navy officer and his wife.
On Dec. 20, 1989, Operation Just Cause was launched, with more than 26,000 U.S. troops deployed to the tiny isthmus nation. Bush also asserted the need to “protect” the strategic Panama Canal. It was, at the time, the largest American military operation since the Vietnam War. And it was, as Dinges put it, “like using a mallet to swat a fly.” Former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda called it “the bloodiest, costliest and most disproportionate drug bust ever.”
It All Seems Like Such A Tragic Waste Now
All the men and women who died fighting in wars for a country that exists in name only anymore.
Never ending war is the only thing that is keeping this place from disintegrating. It's a racket now.
Happy Memorial Day.
Never ending war is the only thing that is keeping this place from disintegrating. It's a racket now.
Happy Memorial Day.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Saturday, May 27, 2017
The Day The Music Died, Gregg Allman Dead At 69.
This is terrible news.
He was an extremely talented and influential musician.
I am very thankful I did get to see him and the band play several years ago, they came to Portland and played at a smaller venue called the Roseland under the name of Gregg Allman and Friends.
They introduced a teenager who tore the house down by the name of Derek Trucks.
You may have heard of him.
Dickey Betts was still with them then too.
The world has suffered a tragic loss with this one.
Thankfully there are thousands of hours of recordings and videos left behind for future generations to enjoy.
Gregg Allman dies at 69; Southern rock trailblazer led band marked by tragedy
He was an extremely talented and influential musician.
I am very thankful I did get to see him and the band play several years ago, they came to Portland and played at a smaller venue called the Roseland under the name of Gregg Allman and Friends.
They introduced a teenager who tore the house down by the name of Derek Trucks.
You may have heard of him.
Dickey Betts was still with them then too.
The world has suffered a tragic loss with this one.
Thankfully there are thousands of hours of recordings and videos left behind for future generations to enjoy.
Gregg Allman dies at 69; Southern rock trailblazer led band marked by tragedy
Gregg Allman, the gravel-voiced singer who helped lift the Allman Brothers Band to prominence with a hard-churning brand of soulful rock that became part of the soundtrack of the 1960s and ’70s and set the coordinates for a musical genre known as Southern rock, died Saturday at the age of 69.
According to a statement posted on his official website, Allman, who had cancelled concerts and entire tours in recent years as he battled a variety of health issues, “passed away peacefully at his home in Savannah, Ga.“
With Allman as the frontman, his brother Duane on slide guitar and not one but two drummers, the group became a favorite touring band with its extended and often improvised versions of songs like “Midnight Rider,” “Whipping Post” and “Stormy Monday.”
On Allman’s website, his manager, Michael Lehman, said: “I have lost a dear friend and the world has lost a brilliant pioneer in music. He was a kind and gentle soul with the best laugh I ever heard. His love for his family and bandmates was passionate as was the love he had for his extraordinary fans. Gregg was an incredible partner and an even better friend. We will all miss him.”
Buffalo Forge Combination Woodworker #2
Hot knife, meet butter.
Very smooth and quiet.
I still have to get it off the Frankenstein cart it's sitting on but I have to get some type of sturdy wheels to go under it first and
I still can't find much on the internet about this thing but I did find an original advertisement for one out of a magazine from 1924 on Ebay.
It's on it's way here now.
Hot knife, meet butter.
Very smooth and quiet.
I still have to get it off the Frankenstein cart it's sitting on but I have to get some type of sturdy wheels to go under it first and
I still can't find much on the internet about this thing but I did find an original advertisement for one out of a magazine from 1924 on Ebay.
It's on it's way here now.
Friday, May 26, 2017
There is an older gentleman that lives across the street from me and we occasionally shoot the breeze.
This guy is me in twenty five years if I live that long.
Ornery old fucker to the core.
Always has something smart ass to say
Needless to say we get along well.
I haven't really talked to him that many times but apparently it was enough.
I was out piddling around in the garage yesterday dragging crap out of the way to get the Sprite out so I could take it to work. It has been beautiful around here for the past couple of days and one does not waste those kinds of opportunities around here.
Of course the old guy knows I have been a mechanic for many years and can see all the crap I have piled up out there, the topics of our conversations are most often about car troubles anyway.
So yesterday he's telling me about how he has all this crap the he needs to get rid of.
He is in his 80's and he must know he is getting close or something and he doesn't want his daughter to have to deal with his hoard after he is gone.
He has at least one son also but he lives half way across the state of Oregon.
We also have another new neighbor about my age who bought the other house across the street, his background seems to be in the trades and that place has a nice quantas hut type of shop next to the regular attached garage.
The old guy asked me if I wanted this saw thing he had but said he had to make sure the other neighbor didn't want it first as they had a prior conversation about it.
I turned around and looked at the disaster area I call a garage and inquired as to just how big a saw were we talking about?
You'll have to come look he says.
So he goes and gets the neighbor, the neighbor says he doesn't want it and we introduce ourselves.
I go across the street to look at this saw and immediately see why he doesn't want it.
It's a huge band saw on some home made cart.
I'll take it I says.
There must be something wrong with my head.
I have absolutely no need for a huge band saw but this thing intrigued me.
It took all three of us and a hand cart to get the cart wheels over the little lip of the driveway but it's here.
I got online and started to try and find some information on this thing and didn't get very far.
I found exactly one like it searching Google images, Bing images and Yahoo images.
It's a Buffalo Forge, Woodworker 2.
These are the only images of another one I could find on the internet.
More research came up with this.
Originally, this thing not only was a band saw but a portable wood working mill.
All of the other parts are missing but it originally had a table saw, a joiner, a grinding wheel, an adjustable shelf/ guide and a sideways mounted drill attachment.
All in one machine.
As far as I can ascertain, this thing is rare as hell. I found maybe three references to them, one being the source of the pictures above.
Other than that, nothing.
This thing is in pretty damn good shape, what's still there.
I'm going to strip all the funky home made plywood guards off of it and clean it up.
It's supposed to work, I haven't plugged it in yet but it spins free.
I am going to have to do some serious triage out in that garage to make room for it, I had to park the Sprite outside last night and that isn't going to cut it.
Worse yet, the old gent has an antique table saw he showed me yesterday that was made in 1910 that his Dad used to build houses with during The Depression.
It's all there and has a foot pedal you push on to raise the blade up through the table.
Of course it's huge too. Cast iron and heavy as all get out no doubt.
I see a couple of dump runs in my immediate future.
This is going to be an interesting weekend around here, so far The Wifely Unit is unaware of these recent developments.
She is going to go through the roof.
Heh Heh Heh.
This guy is me in twenty five years if I live that long.
Ornery old fucker to the core.
Always has something smart ass to say
Needless to say we get along well.
I haven't really talked to him that many times but apparently it was enough.
I was out piddling around in the garage yesterday dragging crap out of the way to get the Sprite out so I could take it to work. It has been beautiful around here for the past couple of days and one does not waste those kinds of opportunities around here.
Of course the old guy knows I have been a mechanic for many years and can see all the crap I have piled up out there, the topics of our conversations are most often about car troubles anyway.
So yesterday he's telling me about how he has all this crap the he needs to get rid of.
He is in his 80's and he must know he is getting close or something and he doesn't want his daughter to have to deal with his hoard after he is gone.
He has at least one son also but he lives half way across the state of Oregon.
We also have another new neighbor about my age who bought the other house across the street, his background seems to be in the trades and that place has a nice quantas hut type of shop next to the regular attached garage.
The old guy asked me if I wanted this saw thing he had but said he had to make sure the other neighbor didn't want it first as they had a prior conversation about it.
I turned around and looked at the disaster area I call a garage and inquired as to just how big a saw were we talking about?
You'll have to come look he says.
So he goes and gets the neighbor, the neighbor says he doesn't want it and we introduce ourselves.
I go across the street to look at this saw and immediately see why he doesn't want it.
It's a huge band saw on some home made cart.
I'll take it I says.
There must be something wrong with my head.
I have absolutely no need for a huge band saw but this thing intrigued me.
It took all three of us and a hand cart to get the cart wheels over the little lip of the driveway but it's here.
I got online and started to try and find some information on this thing and didn't get very far.
I found exactly one like it searching Google images, Bing images and Yahoo images.
It's a Buffalo Forge, Woodworker 2.
These are the only images of another one I could find on the internet.
More research came up with this.
Originally, this thing not only was a band saw but a portable wood working mill.
All of the other parts are missing but it originally had a table saw, a joiner, a grinding wheel, an adjustable shelf/ guide and a sideways mounted drill attachment.
All in one machine.
As far as I can ascertain, this thing is rare as hell. I found maybe three references to them, one being the source of the pictures above.
Other than that, nothing.
This thing is in pretty damn good shape, what's still there.
I'm going to strip all the funky home made plywood guards off of it and clean it up.
It's supposed to work, I haven't plugged it in yet but it spins free.
I am going to have to do some serious triage out in that garage to make room for it, I had to park the Sprite outside last night and that isn't going to cut it.
Worse yet, the old gent has an antique table saw he showed me yesterday that was made in 1910 that his Dad used to build houses with during The Depression.
It's all there and has a foot pedal you push on to raise the blade up through the table.
Of course it's huge too. Cast iron and heavy as all get out no doubt.
I see a couple of dump runs in my immediate future.
This is going to be an interesting weekend around here, so far The Wifely Unit is unaware of these recent developments.
She is going to go through the roof.
Heh Heh Heh.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Trey Gowdy Repeatedly Asks John Brennan If He Has Any Evidence Of Trump/Russia Collusion, Brennan Replies, "I Don't Do Evidence".
Are you fucking kidding me?!
"I don't do evidence"?
Just what the fuck do you use to charge people with then asshole?
This is the House Intelligence Committee we are talking about here.
I would ask Mr. Brennan if he had ever heard the word OVERSIGHT before.
Rep. Trey Gowdy grilled former CIA director John Brennan at a House Intelligence Committee meeting Tuesday morning on Russia's interference in the 2016 election. Gowdy repeatedly presses Brennan for some kind of hard evidence, or even the admission that such evidence exists, that President Trump or his campaign were inolved with the Russian attempt to influence the election.More segments of Gowdy grilling Brennan can be had at the source of this snipped article.
Brennan repeatedly dodged, saying: "As I said Mr. Gowdy, I don't do evidence."
"I appreciate that you don't do evidence, Director Brennan. Unfortunately, that's what I do," Gowdy fired back. "That's the word we use, you use the word assessment, you use the word tradecraft. I use the word evidence. And the good news for me is lots of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle use the word evidence, too. One of my colleagues said there is more than circumstantial evidence of collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign."
Eventually Brennan replied: "I don't know whether or not such collusion -- and that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. But I know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not U.S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding with Russian officials."
"I don't do evidence"?
Just what the fuck do you use to charge people with then asshole?
This is the House Intelligence Committee we are talking about here.
I would ask Mr. Brennan if he had ever heard the word OVERSIGHT before.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Aaaaaaaaaand, It Was A Muslim
What a fucking surprise.
Not too hard to guess on who was responsible for the heinous bombing of young people at a concert in England.
Trump wasted no time calling on all civilized nations to come together and "obliterate this evil ideology".
It's way overdue by my thinking but it would fit the historical pattern of Muslim conquest over the last 1400 years,
It's time to go medieval on their asses.
Not too hard to guess on who was responsible for the heinous bombing of young people at a concert in England.
Trump wasted no time calling on all civilized nations to come together and "obliterate this evil ideology".
It's way overdue by my thinking but it would fit the historical pattern of Muslim conquest over the last 1400 years,
It's time to go medieval on their asses.
Got A Nickel?
Wanna bet who was behind the concert blast over in England last night?
It sure as shit wasn't these guys.
It sure as shit wasn't these guys.
Monday, May 22, 2017
This Is Why Lawyers Need To Be The First Ones Up Against The Wall
Weasel motherfucker, the judge puts an immediate halt to trying to pull the poor black victimhood card.
US Automakers Are Taking A Beating
I honestly can not fathom how anyone can afford to buy a brand new car in the first place anymore to begin with.
Almost everyone is being paid shit for wages and that money is pretty much spent on rent, utilities and all the other bullshit that sucks money these days, like health insurance.
According to this article all of the Big 3 are fighting for market share and Ford especially seems to be taking a good thumping to the point that they are going to save about 22 million alone next year by shit canning their CEO.
What is really hard to believe is that Tesla has somehow managed to blow right past Ford in total value.
I'm sorry but there is no fucking way that Tesla comes anywhere near the output of Ford Motor Company so that figure absolutely mystifies me.
I can count on one hand how many Tesla cars I have ever seen on the road and still have enough fingers to pick both sides of my nose with at the same time.
It's not like I live out in the boonies either.
I see all kinds of high end cars around here all the time but no fucking Teslas.
Almost everyone is being paid shit for wages and that money is pretty much spent on rent, utilities and all the other bullshit that sucks money these days, like health insurance.
According to this article all of the Big 3 are fighting for market share and Ford especially seems to be taking a good thumping to the point that they are going to save about 22 million alone next year by shit canning their CEO.
Ford set to fire CEO Mark Fields as shares founder: source
By Laurence Frost and David Shepardson | PARIS/DETROIT
Ford Motor Co is expected to announce the departure of Chief Executive Mark Fields in a broad management shake-up, a company source said - a move that reflects growing investor unease over the company's stock market performance and outlook.
Forbes and the New York Times reported that James Hackett, 62 and chairman of the Ford unit that works on autonomous vehicles, would take the helm. An announcement could come as early as Monday.
Ford shares are down nearly 40 percent since Fields, 56, took over three years ago, at the peak of the U.S. auto industry's recovery. Now, U.S. auto sales are slipping, and Ford's profit margins are trailing those of larger rival General Motors Co.
Ford's board of directors and Chairman Bill Ford Jr. have been unhappy with the company's performance, and sought more reassurance that investments in self-driving cars, electric vehicles and ride services would pay off. Details of further executive moves were not immediately clear. The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that the company was considering new assignments for some of Fields' top lieutenants.
"We are staying focused on our plan for creating value and profitable growth," a Ford spokesman in Europe said in response to the reports, declining to comment "on speculation or rumors".
The turbulence at Ford comes as all three Detroit automakers are under pressure to prove they can avoid losses as the market, source of the bulk of their profits, is slowing down after last year's record sales.
GM Chief Executive Mary Barra is fending off attacks from hedge fund Greenlight Capital and its leader, David Einhorn, who wants to install three new directors on the automaker's board, and split GM's stock into two classes. FiatChrysler Automobiles NV is fighting accusations by U.S. and California regulators that it used software to cheat on diesel emissions tests, and Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne has so far been unsuccessful in his effort to find a merger partner for the company.
What is really hard to believe is that Tesla has somehow managed to blow right past Ford in total value.
On Friday, Silicon Valley electric car maker Tesla Inc was valued at $51 billion, more than Ford's $43 billion. The contrast is a dramatic sign of how little confidence investors have that old-line automakers can transition to a future where software substitutes for pistons and transportation is sold by the mile or the minute.
I'm sorry but there is no fucking way that Tesla comes anywhere near the output of Ford Motor Company so that figure absolutely mystifies me.
I can count on one hand how many Tesla cars I have ever seen on the road and still have enough fingers to pick both sides of my nose with at the same time.
It's not like I live out in the boonies either.
I see all kinds of high end cars around here all the time but no fucking Teslas.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
A Blizzard Of SnowFlakes At Notre Dame Walk Out During VP Pence's Commencement Speech
You know, these fucking pussies don't impress me with their rudeness one bit.
Pence sticks with faith and family, as Notre Dame grads walk out on his commencement speech
Published May 21, 2017 Fox News
Vice President Mike Pence forged ahead Sunday with his University of Notre Dame commencement speech as some in attendance walked out, encouraging the graduates to keep their religious faith, value the freedom of speech and saying “the future is yours.”
Pence, a former Indiana governor, was the most recent college campus speaker to face backlash or protest from students, faculty and others over ideological differences.
He was invited to speak at the Catholic school, in South Bend, Ind., after students and faculty objected to a prospective invitation to President Trump, who would have been the seventh U.S. president to give the commencement address.
Trump has faced harsh criticism for his anti-Islamic rhetoric during his presidential campaign and for his administration's efforts to impose a travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries.
Pence didn’t acknowledge the planned walkout, in which dozens of students and family members reportedly left at the start of his speech and were booed.
But he alluded to clashes at campuses elsewhere that have derailed appearances by controversial speakers, such as conservative firebrand Ann Coulter at the University of California at Berkeley.
"This university (Notre Dame) is a vanguard of the freedom of expression and the free exchange of ideas at a time, sadly, when free speech and civility are waning on campuses across America," Pence said.
The rest of Pence’s speech also focused on faith and conservative principles like protecting Notre Dame and other groups from having to go against their religious beliefs to offer birth control coverage to employees under ObamaCare.
“Just as Notre Dame has stood strong to protect its religious liberty, I’m proud that this president just took steps to ensure that this university and the Little Sisters of the Poor could not be forced to violate their consciences to fully participate in American civic life,” Pence said.
All I have to say about this is that it really reflects badly on the institution of Notre Dame and that these little assholes and their families can kiss my ass.
A Mini Heat Wave
There doesn't seem to be any middle ground around here where the weather is concerned.
Last week it was chilly, we had thunder storms, lightning, it rained like a cow pissing on a flat rock and the wind was howling.
Today is supposed to get into the upper 80's and tomorrow the low 90's.
I still have two lawns to mow, mine and my moms.
She was gone on an extended vacation and I mowed it a couple of weeks ago but her place needs the full meal deal. There is crap growing up in the expansion joints of her two car, curving driveway, the front edge needs to be cut at the curb and now there is a huge 5th wheel parked in the side yard I have to get around with the riding lawn mower.
It took me 4 1/2 hours to just get the lawn mowed last time because the mower had been sitting for two years and I had to wrench on that thing, after I spent twenty minutes going through fifty keys to find the one that fit the padlock on the shed. I had to put a new battery in it and fresh gas but it eventually fired up and promptly filled the shed with thick black smoke to the point I couldn't see in it.
Half way through the back yard I had the drive belt jump off the pulley and had to tear into it again.
I did have to send a little silent prayer of thanks to my dear departed old man for having the wisdom to buy a bigger mower with a cool assed two container plastic grass catcher unit on the back. The containers look kind of like kitchen waste baskets and all you have to do to dump them is pop the lid up, slide them off two rails and dump them.
It's a pretty slick little set up.
So as the saying goes, there's no rest for the wicked and such is the story of my life lately.
Last week it was chilly, we had thunder storms, lightning, it rained like a cow pissing on a flat rock and the wind was howling.
Today is supposed to get into the upper 80's and tomorrow the low 90's.
I still have two lawns to mow, mine and my moms.
She was gone on an extended vacation and I mowed it a couple of weeks ago but her place needs the full meal deal. There is crap growing up in the expansion joints of her two car, curving driveway, the front edge needs to be cut at the curb and now there is a huge 5th wheel parked in the side yard I have to get around with the riding lawn mower.
It took me 4 1/2 hours to just get the lawn mowed last time because the mower had been sitting for two years and I had to wrench on that thing, after I spent twenty minutes going through fifty keys to find the one that fit the padlock on the shed. I had to put a new battery in it and fresh gas but it eventually fired up and promptly filled the shed with thick black smoke to the point I couldn't see in it.
Half way through the back yard I had the drive belt jump off the pulley and had to tear into it again.
I did have to send a little silent prayer of thanks to my dear departed old man for having the wisdom to buy a bigger mower with a cool assed two container plastic grass catcher unit on the back. The containers look kind of like kitchen waste baskets and all you have to do to dump them is pop the lid up, slide them off two rails and dump them.
It's a pretty slick little set up.
So as the saying goes, there's no rest for the wicked and such is the story of my life lately.
Must Have A Big Knot In It
Fuckin' retard.
I can only assume he has never heard of a splitting wedge.
Even I have two of them still and I haven't had to split any wood in fifteen years.
Ya just never know.
That reminds me, I need to get a full sized sledge hammer to sit and gather dust too.
I can only assume he has never heard of a splitting wedge.
Even I have two of them still and I haven't had to split any wood in fifteen years.
Ya just never know.
That reminds me, I need to get a full sized sledge hammer to sit and gather dust too.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
'Tis The Season!
For yard work and garage sales.
I spent a little over an hour in the disaster area of a back yard we have to deal with here and completely filled up the back of the El Camino with debris.
I threw a couple of ratchet straps over the pile and took it to a recycling outfit that's a little over five minutes away to get rid of it.
Bunch of branches, blackberry vines, sapling sprouts, weeds and other crap I raked up.
They only charged me $3.25 for the load so I can't complain too much about that.
On my way out of the immediate neighborhood I saw a bunch of garage sale signs so nothing would do but to swing by a couple on my way home.
Both of them were within three blocks and I skipped yet another one right down the street.
There were some deals to be had for someone with an eye for certain things besides baby clothes and the usual crap you see at these disposal sales.
I picked up two nice cloth rifle carrying cases for $5 apiece, a couple of medium sized ice chests that we find we need every damned 4th of July and then immediately forget about and one of those 3 clawed garden hand tools I was wanting earlier today.
Total cost on that haul was $25.
Not too shabby.
I have been to this place before, a couple of times, last year.
It's one of those constant garage sale every weekend all damn Summer long kind of deals.
I think they go around to other sales, get stuff dirt cheap and then drag it home to resell it at a substantial markup.
Gotta watch what you buy there very closely.
The other one was a nice couple right around the corner and they had some good stuff and some good prices on it.
It's a good thing I didn't have way too much money there because I could have dropped a couple of grand without blinking an eye.
A nice Lincoln wire feed welder with the cart, tank, hood and all for $500.
A complete computer driven CNC machine, the kind that hobbyists use on a sheet of plywood with all the drive motors and everything for $750.
Yeah, Thank goodness I don't have room for that kind of shit.
There was however a couple of too good to pass up deals that I snagged right up.
One of the old timey space heaters that worked for one dollar and these little beauties,
A Hummingbird Police scanner and a brand new, still in the box Baofeng two way radio.
The stickers say $15 each, I got all 3 items for $25.
I have been wanting a scanner for a long time.
On the way back from the yard debris place I stopped at the local Mini Mart to get something to drink and in the few minutes I was inside there were no less than five Vancouver city cops go by with lights and sirens going. Pretty quick traffic started backing up on the main drag in front of the store and some lady came in and said they had a furniture truck pulled over. She also said all the cops had their guns drawn and she saw one with a sniper rifle get out of a car.
I told her they were pretty damn serious about using your turn signals in this town anymore then paid for my shit and slunk out the side street.
No need to go rubbernecking around that kind of shit I don't think.
I picked up the scanner fifteen minutes later.
It would have been interesting to see what the hell they were so excited about.
The power plug is missing off the back but I don't think that will be much of a problem. A little Google-Fu ought to take care of that one way or another.
After getting home and opening the garage door I was struck by the notion that maybe it's about time for me to have a garage sale myself.
It would beat paying to take stuff to the dump and make some much needed room at the same time.
They are a pain in the ass to get ready for but a few extra bucks and some empty space in that garage out there are pretty compelling reasons to maybe just do that before too long.
If I can find the time.
I spent a little over an hour in the disaster area of a back yard we have to deal with here and completely filled up the back of the El Camino with debris.
I threw a couple of ratchet straps over the pile and took it to a recycling outfit that's a little over five minutes away to get rid of it.
Bunch of branches, blackberry vines, sapling sprouts, weeds and other crap I raked up.
They only charged me $3.25 for the load so I can't complain too much about that.
On my way out of the immediate neighborhood I saw a bunch of garage sale signs so nothing would do but to swing by a couple on my way home.
Both of them were within three blocks and I skipped yet another one right down the street.
There were some deals to be had for someone with an eye for certain things besides baby clothes and the usual crap you see at these disposal sales.
I picked up two nice cloth rifle carrying cases for $5 apiece, a couple of medium sized ice chests that we find we need every damned 4th of July and then immediately forget about and one of those 3 clawed garden hand tools I was wanting earlier today.
Total cost on that haul was $25.
Not too shabby.
I have been to this place before, a couple of times, last year.
It's one of those constant garage sale every weekend all damn Summer long kind of deals.
I think they go around to other sales, get stuff dirt cheap and then drag it home to resell it at a substantial markup.
Gotta watch what you buy there very closely.
The other one was a nice couple right around the corner and they had some good stuff and some good prices on it.
It's a good thing I didn't have way too much money there because I could have dropped a couple of grand without blinking an eye.
A nice Lincoln wire feed welder with the cart, tank, hood and all for $500.
A complete computer driven CNC machine, the kind that hobbyists use on a sheet of plywood with all the drive motors and everything for $750.
Yeah, Thank goodness I don't have room for that kind of shit.
There was however a couple of too good to pass up deals that I snagged right up.
One of the old timey space heaters that worked for one dollar and these little beauties,
A Hummingbird Police scanner and a brand new, still in the box Baofeng two way radio.
The stickers say $15 each, I got all 3 items for $25.
I have been wanting a scanner for a long time.
On the way back from the yard debris place I stopped at the local Mini Mart to get something to drink and in the few minutes I was inside there were no less than five Vancouver city cops go by with lights and sirens going. Pretty quick traffic started backing up on the main drag in front of the store and some lady came in and said they had a furniture truck pulled over. She also said all the cops had their guns drawn and she saw one with a sniper rifle get out of a car.
I told her they were pretty damn serious about using your turn signals in this town anymore then paid for my shit and slunk out the side street.
No need to go rubbernecking around that kind of shit I don't think.
I picked up the scanner fifteen minutes later.
It would have been interesting to see what the hell they were so excited about.
The power plug is missing off the back but I don't think that will be much of a problem. A little Google-Fu ought to take care of that one way or another.
After getting home and opening the garage door I was struck by the notion that maybe it's about time for me to have a garage sale myself.
It would beat paying to take stuff to the dump and make some much needed room at the same time.
They are a pain in the ass to get ready for but a few extra bucks and some empty space in that garage out there are pretty compelling reasons to maybe just do that before too long.
If I can find the time.
"The Fact That President Trump Isn't Bowing Immediately Means That Automatically We Are A Step Ahead Then From The Last Presidency".
That is a direct quote from some bimbo on Fox News on the extraordinary reception Donald Trump is receiving on his arrival in Ryiadh, Saudi Arabia.*
From this,
To this,
No headscarf for the wife either.
My, my, my, what a difference a set of balls makes.
Isn't that right Mooch?
* I don't know or care what the bimbo's name is but if you want to hear it yourself then listen at the 1:50 mark.
From this,
To this,
No headscarf for the wife either.
My, my, my, what a difference a set of balls makes.
Isn't that right Mooch?
* I don't know or care what the bimbo's name is but if you want to hear it yourself then listen at the 1:50 mark.
Friday, May 19, 2017
Paraphrasing Gen Mattis On North Korea, "I'm Pleading With You With Tears In My Eyes"...
Play nice because he has a plan to kill every single one of you cocksuckers.
Mattis don't fuck around.
In case you have never seen this famous quote attributed to him,
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.
One of the rules Maj. Gen. James Mattis gave his Marines to live by in Iraq, as quoted in Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (2006) by Thomas E. Ricks; as excerpted in Armed Forces Journal (August 2006)
Here is the other one I just love,
This country needs ten thousand more guys just like him.
One thing is for damn sure, you won't be seeing any more of this humiliating horse shit while this guy is around.
It seems they may not be as dense as they seem to be after all,
That doesn't appear to me to be bargaining from a position of strength.
Between Trumps unpredictability and Mattis' certain fucking death, maybe ol' Kimmmy actually has a few strategic advisors left who can see the writing on the wall after all.
U.S.' Mattis: North Korea military solution would be 'tragic on an unbelievable scale'
U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday that any military solution to the North Korea crisis would be "tragic on an unbelievable scale" and said Washington was working internationally to find a diplomatic solution.
"We are going to continue to work the issue," Mattis told a Pentagon news conference. "If this goes to a military solution, it’s going to be tragic on an unbelievable scale. So our effort is to work with the U.N., work with China, work with Japan, work with South Korea to try to find a way out of this situation."
(Reporting by David Brunnstrom; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)
Mattis don't fuck around.
In case you have never seen this famous quote attributed to him,
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.
One of the rules Maj. Gen. James Mattis gave his Marines to live by in Iraq, as quoted in Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (2006) by Thomas E. Ricks; as excerpted in Armed Forces Journal (August 2006)
Here is the other one I just love,
I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.
After the invasion of Iraq -and after sending his tanks and artillery home- Mattis sent this message to the Iraqi leaders in every area his men served in, as quoted in Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (2006) by Thomas E. Ricks; as excerpted in Armed Forces Journal (August 2006)
This country needs ten thousand more guys just like him.
One thing is for damn sure, you won't be seeing any more of this humiliating horse shit while this guy is around.
It seems they may not be as dense as they seem to be after all,
North Korea says U.S. has to roll back 'hostile policy' before talks
By Michelle Nichols | UNITED NATIONS
North Korea's deputy U.N. envoy said on Friday that the United States needed to roll back its "hostile policy" toward the country before there could be talks between the pair.
"As everybody knows, the Americans have gestured (toward) dialogue," North Korea's Deputy U.N. Ambassador Kim In Ryong told reporters on Friday. "But what is important is not words, but actions."
"The rolling back of the hostile policy toward DPRK is the prerequisite for solving all the problems in the Korean Peninsula," he said. "Therefore, the urgent issue to be settled on Korean Peninsula is to put a definite end to the U.S. hostile policy toward DPRK, the root cause of all problems."
North Korea, also known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), has vowed to develop a missile mounted with a nuclear warhead that can strike the mainland United States, saying the program is necessary to counter U.S. aggression.
U.S. President Donald Trump warned in an interview with Reuters in late April that a "major, major conflict" with the North was possible, but he said he would prefer a diplomatic outcome to the dispute over its nuclear and missile programs.
That doesn't appear to me to be bargaining from a position of strength.
Between Trumps unpredictability and Mattis' certain fucking death, maybe ol' Kimmmy actually has a few strategic advisors left who can see the writing on the wall after all.
Oh Please God No!
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
There is the understatement of the century.
Let me tell you this straight up, if you thought Comey was a weasel, we are talking about THE KING OF WEASELS here.
You can thank the little prick for mentoring and stumping for one Barack Obama back when he was still an unknown senator from Illinois just for starters.
I have a long history of hating this bastard and I haven't forgotten why either.
My contempt for the fucking asshole is infinite and eternal.
He is the ultimate slimy, two faced, back stabbing, power hungry, political whore.

I wouldn't even waste a full bladder of piss on his fucking grave.
If that little cocksucker gets the nod to head up the FBI you can bet your ass that there is going to be all kinds of shady shit going on there two fucking seconds after he gets sworn in.
Mark my fucking words.
If that little fucker gets the nod I am not going to have any shortage of blogging material for damn sure.
Fucking cunt anyway.
Joe Lieberman emerges as Trump's top choice for FBI director
By Brooke Singman Published May 18, 2017 Fox News
Joe Lieberman a bipartisan pick for FBI director?
President Trump said Thursday he is “very close” to naming a new FBI director to replace James Comey, and his leading contender is former Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman.
Lieberman, 75, who served in the Senate from 1989-2013, first as a Democrat and then as an independent, met with Trump at the White House on Wednesday afternoon to discuss leading the law enforcement agency. A late and somewhat unlikely addition to Trump's short list, Lieberman is nonetheless the sudden frontrunner.
When asked point-blank by a reporter in the Oval Office Thursday if Lieberman was the leading contender, Trump replied, "Yes."
Trump also met Wednesday with current acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating and FBI official Richard McFeely.
Lieberman’s law enforcement experience stems from his two-term tenure as Connecticut’s attorney general, spanning from 1983 until his resignation in 1989 when he was elected to the U.S. Senate.
Lieberman, who ran as vice president on Al Gore's 2000 ticket, became an independent after losing the Democratic primary in 2006. He won re-election, and two years later further angered Democrats when he endorsed John McCain for president against eventual winner Barack Obama, even speaking at the Republican National Convention.
Lieberman told Fox Business Network last year that he “never changed parties” and in fact ended up endorsing Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential campaign against Trump.
Some Republican senators called the idea of Lieberman replacing Comey “intriguing,” but Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said it was a “mistake” to nominate him.
There is the understatement of the century.
Let me tell you this straight up, if you thought Comey was a weasel, we are talking about THE KING OF WEASELS here.
You can thank the little prick for mentoring and stumping for one Barack Obama back when he was still an unknown senator from Illinois just for starters.
I have a long history of hating this bastard and I haven't forgotten why either.
My contempt for the fucking asshole is infinite and eternal.
He is the ultimate slimy, two faced, back stabbing, power hungry, political whore.

I wouldn't even waste a full bladder of piss on his fucking grave.
If that little cocksucker gets the nod to head up the FBI you can bet your ass that there is going to be all kinds of shady shit going on there two fucking seconds after he gets sworn in.
Mark my fucking words.
If that little fucker gets the nod I am not going to have any shortage of blogging material for damn sure.
Fucking cunt anyway.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Talking Head Bimbos Everywhere Breathe A Huge Sigh Of Relief
Roger Ailes went tits up finally.
Since he was forced to retire because of multiple sexual harassment claims last year anyway,
I'll volunteer to step in and pick up the slack.
Since he was forced to retire because of multiple sexual harassment claims last year anyway,
I'll volunteer to step in and pick up the slack.
Singer Chris Cornell Of Soundgarden, Audioslave Dead at 52
I guess him and Kurt Cobain are together again in Grunge Heaven.
Cornell had a very distinctive voice, it's too bad he died so young.
That whole Grunge thing was a little, no, a lot, after my formative years and there were only a few songs I actually liked. Even the ones I did like I can't hardly stand to hear anymore because they got played to fucking death on the radio.
Cornell was a pretty cool dude though from what I ever heard.
Musicians dying all at once out of the blue always makes you go HMMMMM.
Hopefully it wasn't an unfortunate chemical experiment gone wrong.
I'm gonna spare you a Youtube tribute this time, if you want to hear some of his stuff it's easy to find.
Cornell had a very distinctive voice, it's too bad he died so young.
That whole Grunge thing was a little, no, a lot, after my formative years and there were only a few songs I actually liked. Even the ones I did like I can't hardly stand to hear anymore because they got played to fucking death on the radio.
Cornell was a pretty cool dude though from what I ever heard.
Musicians dying all at once out of the blue always makes you go HMMMMM.
Hopefully it wasn't an unfortunate chemical experiment gone wrong.
I'm gonna spare you a Youtube tribute this time, if you want to hear some of his stuff it's easy to find.
Singer Chris Cornell, the lead vocalist for the bands Soundgarden and Audioslave, died Wednesday night in Detroit, his representative said. (Reuters)
Singer Chris Cornell, the lead vocalist for the bands Soundgarden and Audioslave, died Wednesday night in Detroit, his representative said. He was 52.
Brian Bumbery told the Associated Press in a statement that Cornell’s death was “sudden and unexpected” and said his wife and family was shocked.
The statement added that the family would be working closely with the medical examiner to determine the cause and asked for privacy.
As the lead singer for Seattle-based Soundgarden, Cornell helped architect the 90's grunge rock movement. He was also a Grammy award-winning, Golden Globe nominated singer, songwriter, guitarist, composer and lyricist.
In addition, Cornell became involved in philanthropy and started the Chris and Vicky Cornell Foundation to support children facing challenges, including homelessness, poverty, abuse and neglect.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
What The Holy Hell?
I am..... flabbergasted here.
The Wifely Unit is a huge WWE wrestling fan. I watch it occasionally and can remember watching Portland Wrestling clear back in the early 70's with my Grandfather so I kind of know what's going on.
Or so I thought.
If you have watched any of this in the last ten years or so then you probably know who Chris Jericho is.
He's been around a long time.
To be honest, I always kind of considered him a so-so kind of wrestling guy and he was certainly never one of my favorites.
So a few minutes ago when I sit down after work finally I see this Email from the wife, she had already went to bed.
I open this Email and there are two Youtube videos by someone named Fozzy.
Never fucking heard of him, it, she or whatever the fuck it is.
I figure it must be something good because she never Emails me anything, ever.
So I click on the first one and its a cover of an old Accept tune called Balls To The Walls.
Sounds pretty fucking good.
There aren't any pictures of whoever this Fozzy person is though.
I get almost all the way through the fucking thing and glance down and see this under the video,
"A highly underated/over looked cover song by Chris Jericho's band Fozzy".
No fucking way I think.
Yes, fucking way, I find out.
Are you fucking kidding me, the guy can sing?
I had no idea.
He fucking ROCKS too!
Check this shit out! It's actually real good!
A tune called Judas, By Fozzy.
Ayup, flabbergasted.
The Wifely Unit is a huge WWE wrestling fan. I watch it occasionally and can remember watching Portland Wrestling clear back in the early 70's with my Grandfather so I kind of know what's going on.
Or so I thought.
If you have watched any of this in the last ten years or so then you probably know who Chris Jericho is.
He's been around a long time.
To be honest, I always kind of considered him a so-so kind of wrestling guy and he was certainly never one of my favorites.
So a few minutes ago when I sit down after work finally I see this Email from the wife, she had already went to bed.
I open this Email and there are two Youtube videos by someone named Fozzy.
Never fucking heard of him, it, she or whatever the fuck it is.
I figure it must be something good because she never Emails me anything, ever.
So I click on the first one and its a cover of an old Accept tune called Balls To The Walls.
Sounds pretty fucking good.
There aren't any pictures of whoever this Fozzy person is though.
I get almost all the way through the fucking thing and glance down and see this under the video,
"A highly underated/over looked cover song by Chris Jericho's band Fozzy".
No fucking way I think.
Yes, fucking way, I find out.
Are you fucking kidding me, the guy can sing?
I had no idea.
He fucking ROCKS too!
Check this shit out! It's actually real good!
A tune called Judas, By Fozzy.
Ayup, flabbergasted.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Stupid fucking twats sure do have short memories.
Not Gonna Happen
Kaepernick may become a Seattle Seahawk
Published May 16, 2017 Fox News
FILE 2016: San Francisco 49ers outside linebacker Eli Harold (58), quarterback Colin Kaepernick (7) and free safety Eric Reid (35) kneel in protest.
FILE 2016: San Francisco 49ers outside linebacker Eli Harold (58), quarterback Colin Kaepernick (7) and free safety Eric Reid (35) kneel in protest. (Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports/Reuters)
Colin Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, who made headlines last season for refusing to stand during “The Star-Spangled Banner” may be suiting up for the Seattle Seahawks next season.
Pete Carroll, Seattle’s head coach, was asked Monday on ESPN Seattle about a potential backup for Russell Wilson. Some of the names listed were Kaepernick and Robert Griffin III.
“We’re looking at everybody. We really are,” Carroll said. “We’ve been tracking everything that’s going on, and we’ve got cap and roster issues and stuff like that that we’re still trying to manage properly. But quite frankly, yes, we are looking at all those guys.”
Kaepernick was benched last November by former coach Jim Tomsula in favor of Blaine Gabbert. The 2011 second-round pick, less heralded than other QBs in his draft class, went on season-ending injured reserve and needed a trio of surgeries: his non-throwing left shoulder, left knee and right thumb. He hardly disappeared as a backup, instead taking his old job back last month.
And he made international headlines when he stopped standing for the national anthem in what he said was a protest against racial oppression. First he sat, then he kneeled. Others joined him.
As his team struggles, the 28-year-old Kaepernick appears as collected as any losing quarterback in the league. This is the same guy who led San Francisco to a runner-up Super Bowl finish following the 2012 season.
Pete Carroll isn't stupid.
It's one thing to get someone with talent.
It's a whole 'nother kettle of fish to get someone with some talent and a built in media circus act following his every move just to stir up controversy so they can justify their jobs at any and everyone's expense.
Kaepernick would wind up being a giant distraction
Pete has enough on his plate without that bullshit.
Kaepernick is a man without a team and he fucking asked for it.
The Niners can keep his ass as far as I'm concerned
Monday, May 15, 2017
One Of My Favorites
I never got to see the original band play this but I have seen it twice by Brit Floyd and for me personally, I would pay full price just to hear them play this and Comfortably Numb over and over for two hours.
I can't articulate what it is about this tune that I find so riveting but it is very powerful and touches my soul as quite a few Pink Floyd tunes do.
This is speaker blowing material here.
I can't articulate what it is about this tune that I find so riveting but it is very powerful and touches my soul as quite a few Pink Floyd tunes do.
This is speaker blowing material here.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
But Can You Outrun The Radio?
Crazy fucker reminds me of myself back in the day.
He got lucky this time apparently.
He got lucky this time apparently.
This Kinda Shit Always Makes My Day
"Yeah, hello?
Yeah, I gotta hang up and take care of something, I'll call you back later."
Yeah, I gotta hang up and take care of something, I'll call you back later."
Saturday, May 13, 2017
A Couple Of Dumbasses For Your Entertainment.
They are very lucky that neither of them got seriously hurt.
When I was a young man working on the dredges that were cleaning the ash from Mt. St. Helens out of the Columbia and Cowlitz rivers back in 1980 I witnessed a similar event.
Up close and personal.
It was a nice Summer day and the dredge was down because a very large babbitt bearing for the four inch shaft that turned the cutter head had worn out.
The cutter head is a giant version of an egg beater sort of that spins and digs up the mud and rocks at the river bottom and breaks stuff loose so that the suction of the pump can suck it in and pump it away.
It is raised and lowered on a large gantry set up by cables on winches.
There were several of us out there watching two guys who actually knew how to pour and shape babbitt bearings. This is a rapidly disappearing skill by the way.
They had a four inch wide crucible on a long rod rigged up so that it wouldn't fall or go anywhere and a big rosebud tip on an acetylene torch tied down to blow right on the crucible to melt this babbitt.
We are all perched on this gantry framework in one manner or another bullshitting back and forth and the river was directly below us.
In other words, there was no place to go, except in the river.
This dredge by the way was fucking huge, it looked like a Mississippi river stern wheeler without the paddle wheel on the back.
It was also older than shit, even back then.
They had a pile of solid babbitt chunks sitting next to the crucible on a cross member and every few minutes one of these guys would gently slip a small piece in to melt it.
There was probably a pint of liquid babbitt in there and a pound of solid babbitt chunks sitting next to it.
This dumbshit deckhand comes climbing out and has been watching this like the rest of us for a few minutes and the guy who is kind of in charge of the whole thing tells him to put a little chunk of babbit in to melt.
Dumbass, picks up a huge chunk of babbitt and just drops it in the crucible.
It fucking exploded.
Boiling hot liquid metal went everywhere.
I was perched about two feet away just behind and a bit to the left of this idiot and saw the whole thing right in front of me.
To this day, I have no idea why no one either got severely burned or dove off the gantry trying to get away but nobody actually got hurt.
Poor dumbass got the ass chewing of his life though.
Those were the days before ten thousand safety regulations were around to make life miserable so I don't think a single one of us had anything like safety glasses or goggles on. Just a pair of heavy leather welding gloves and a huge set of balls back then.
I can tell you that parts of that scene are still quite vivid in my memory these thirty seven years later.
Some things you just don't forget.
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